Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The Dental Implant Costs for Complete Oral Rehabilitation: Old Implant Techniques Versus the Breakthrough ‘All-on-4’, PART 1

This article, part 1 of 3, explores the cost differences between traditional dental implant techniques and the innovative ‘All-on-4’ protocol for complete oral rehabilitation.

In the pursuit of the best aesthetic and functional solution to edentulism (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near edentulism, patients can often become concerned over dental implant costs. First of all, dental implants do offer the most sophisticated, comfortable and long-term solution to rampant tooth loss. But owing to the skill and resources that goes into their fabrication, as well as the advanced education and training of the professionals that place them, dental implant costs are not inexpensive. Much like you can expect to pay more for an iPhone 4 versus a Nokia 3210, so too can patients expect greater dental implant costs than for traditional removable dentures. And just like an iPhone 4 is at the very cutting edge of modern technological advancement, so too are dental implants.

The Impact of Newer Placement Protocol on Dental Implant Costs

As the years march on, the development of newer and more advantageous dental implant products, medical technology and surgical placement protocols enable skilled and qualified dentists to provide patients with immediate and far more comfortable, convenient and long-term results. While one might expect greater dental implant costs to come hand-in-hand with a more sophisticated implant protocol, in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

The ‘All-on-4’ technique was developed by European implantologist, Dr. Paulo Malo, in collaboration with Nobel Biocare; one of the world’s leading manufacturers of dental implants and associated products. The ingenious surgical protocol laid out by the ‘All-on-4’ not only bypasses some of the greatest challenges facing traditional dental implant techniques – such as the need for bone grafting in patients presenting with advanced jaw bone deterioration - but it also comes with a vast array of benefits and advantages that all work together to substantially lower the dental implant costs of complete oral rehabilitation! In this three-part article series we shall be exploring the various factors that all contribute to the lower dental implant costs, which translate – for straight-forward patient cases – to savings of $25,000 and as much as $45,000 for more complex cases!

Lower Dental Implant Costs with the ‘All-on-4’: Fewer Dental Implants

The first and most immediate difference between the ‘All-on-4’ and traditional dental implant protocol lies in the name of the technique itself. With traditional techniques, patients missing all or most of their teeth frequently require as many as 20 dental implants to get a full and healthy-looking smile back! When you consider that a single dental implant costs in the region of $4,000, the price for oral rehabilitation can become quite exorbitant. With the ‘All-on-4’ on the other hand, only four dental implants are required per jaw; hence the name of the protocol. A skilled and qualified dentist uses these implants to provide anchorage for a customized and non-removable prosthetic dental bridge, which is carefully and skillfully fabricated to exactly resemble - in function, aesthetics and feel - a natural set of teeth.

With only 8 implants in total, as opposed to 20, the dental implants cost with the ‘All-on-4’ is substantially lowered. But there are more savings to be made in one’s journey to oral rehabilitation… stay tuned for the next article installment to find out what these dental implant costs savings are!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Competitive Dentist Costs with the ‘All-on-4’ Protocol

This article provides some background on the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant protocol and how it enables patients to undergo complete oral rehabilitation at much lower prices.

Dentist Cost

If you have lost one or more of your original teeth and are thinking about investigating dental implants, then naturally, one of your primary concerns is what the dentist cost is likely to be. We are used to the notion that the more sophisticated and advantageous a technology, the more expensive it is. However, with newer implant placement protocols, namely the ‘All-on-4’, enabling qualified and experienced dentists to perform oral rehabilitation in a single surgery and almost always without the need for bone grafting, nothing could be further from the truth! The ‘All-on-4’ makes it possible for patients to receive a brand new set of non-removable, immediately functional and aesthetic teeth in as little as a single day and at a much reduced dentist cost! Here’s how…

The All-on-4 Cost: Sophisticated Tooth Replacement Solutions for Less

When it comes to the treatment of patients that are edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and Dentist Cost near-edentulous, traditional implant techniques frequently call for six, eight and even ten dental implants per jaw for complete oral rehabilitation. If you consider that a single dental implant costs in the region of $4,000, the price tag for both jaws can become a heavy burden for the patient. With the need for numerous consultations, multiple surgeries and as many as 20 dental implants, the total dentist cost can work out to be exorbitant!

The All-on-4, as the name suggest, only requires four dental implants per jaw, regardless of how many teeth the patient is missing. This substantially reduces the dentist cost. But what makes an incredible difference to the amount of time, energy and money spent on oral rehabilitation is the ability of the ‘All-on-4’ to almost always avoid the need for bone grafting surgery; a procedure that is not only painful and expensive for the patient, but requires months of healing before the dental implants can be placed. With the ability of qualified and experienced dentists to bypass bone grafting surgery, the entire procedure can be completed in a single day, with a single surgery; and this saves immensely on the overall dentist cost!

In summary:

  • The All-on-4 cost incurs the need Cost of dental implants for just a single surgery, which keeps your recovery time and dentist cost lower than traditional placement protocols.
  • The breakthrough All-on-4 technique keeps dentist cost down by only requiring four implants, rather than older methods which call for up to 20 dental implants for oral rehabilitation.
  • The All-on-4 almost never requires bone grafting surgery beforehand, which saves patients on dentist cost and time off from work, plus all the associated pain and discomfort.
  • Patients can return to work the day after receiving their All-on-4 implants and prosthetic bridge.

Dentist Cost with the All-on-4: A Final Note

The All-on-4 dental implant technique has revolutionized the world of implant procedures. It's an incredibly sophisticated tooth replacement solution, which is also surprisingly economical - saving patients an average of $25,000 in dentist costs (and up to $45,000 on more complex cases).

Cost dental implants

Monday, 19 September 2011

The Cosmetic Dentistry Cost of the All-on-4 Dental Implant Protocol

dental implant costs

This article describes the costs and savings patients can expect to receive for complete oral rehabilitation with the All-on-4 dental implant technique.

There is nothing more important than your smile and yet, one of the primary concerns in improving this physical asset is cosmetic dentistry costs. Thankfully, you don't have to be a Hollywood superstar or spend months suffering through a series of surgeries and consultations to get a beautiful and healthy smile anymore. The All-on-4 dental implant cost in Houston has revolutionized the way dental professionals are able to approach oral rehabilitation; making it accessible to everyone in affordable packages that include everything from the initial visit to any follow-up work that may be required. With cosmetic dentistry costs that won’t break the bank, all those millions of people that suffer from edentulism (not having any of their original adult teeth left) and near-edentulism are looking at the possibility of getting a brand new set of beautiful, immediately functional and non-removable teeth in a single surgery, in a single day!

The All-on-4 Implant Protocol and Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons Cosmetic dentistry costand impact any age range. However, the older we get, the more vulnerable our teeth become to oral bacterial infection and decay. If left untreated, a minor infection of the gums can become chronic and acute, leading to oral ailments that cause tooth loss. With the All-on-4 dental implant cost in Houston, receiving a comprehensive and long term tooth replacement solution need not be reserved for those with impressive bank accounts. In fact, the cosmetic dentistry costs incurred by the All-on-4 are less expensive than traditional dental implant protocol! Who would have thought that a more sophisticated and advantageous solution to tooth loss and edentulism would be cheaper than older methods? But, the medical and technological advancements that have been made today don’t only help to lower the cosmetic dentistry costs; they also reduce the number of surgeries required and amount of time spent in recovery.

Cosmetic Dentistry Costs: An Approximation

Cosmetic dentistry costs Dental implant cost Houston vary depending on the complexity of the individual case. The dental implant cost in Houston ranges between $4,000 and $6,000 and with traditional placement protocol requiring up to 20 separate implants, the total cosmetic dentistry costs can become prohibitively expensive. However, with the All-on-4 method, as the name suggests, only four implants are required and this works out to be far less expensive as well as much less painful for the patient. On average and for straight-forward cases of edentulism and near edentulism, the All-on-4 saves patients $25,000 on complete oral rehabilitation. For more complex cases, the cosmetic dentistry costs can undercut traditional techniques by a staggering $45,000!

Dental Implant Cost in Houston: A Final Note

Dental implants and the sophisticated placement protocol known as the ‘All-on-4’ are the best solutions for teeth replacement and allow patients to avoid the daily in and out and cleaning of dentures. With the All-on-4, there are no continual cosmetic dentistry costs for repairs and realignments and it enables patients to walk away with a brand new set of aesthetic, immediately functional and non-removable teeth in as little as a single day, with a single surgery.

cost dental implants

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Get the Best Dental Solution while Keeping Dental Costs Low

This article explores the dental costs involved in getting complete oral rehabilitation with the All-on-4 dental implant protocol.

Dental Costs: Introduction

Single or multiple tooth loss can be very embarrassing and a constant source of physical and social discomfort. While some causes behind a lost pearly white or two cannot be avoided, such as an accident, most cases of rampant tooth loss are caused by periodontal disease; an acute and chronic bacterial infection of the gums. This is in turn caused by poor lifelong oral hygiene and bad habits, such as smoking. The dental costs of gum disease left untreated are partial and complete edentulism; not having any of your original adult teeth left. However, regardless of the cause, there are thankfully several tooth replacement solutions available and the best for patients requiring a brand new set of teeth is the All-on-4 dental implant protocol!

Dental Costs: Factors to Consider

Dental implants offer a proven comprehensive and long term solution to missing teeth and the All-on-4 protocol has gained enormous popularity thanks to its success in treating edentulism. Having said this, dental costs can be at the forefront of a patient’s mind when looking for a tooth replacement solution. And frequently, the more ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘innovative’ a technology is, the more manufacturers charge for it! But with All-on-4 dental implants, nothing could be further from the truth! Dental costs of oral rehabilitation using this protocol are actually less steep for the patient; saving them as much as $15,000 on a brand new set of non-removable, aesthetic and immediately functional teeth! And here’s why…

All on 4 Cost in Houston: Savings

The dental costs of the All-on-4 protocol are substantially lower than those incurred by traditional placement techniques for several reasons. But perhaps the greatest is that it allows skilled and qualified dentists to replace a patient’s entire set of old and failing teeth almost always without the need for bone grafting beforehand. Other dental costs saved include:
  • The need for multiple surgeries; the All-on-4 almost never requires more than a single surgery for complete oral rehabilitation.
  • The dental costs incurred by 20 or more implants; the All-on-4 only requires a total of 8 implants to give patients a brand new set of both upper and lower teeth.
  • Without the need for lengthy, painful and expensive bone grafting, patients save all those dental costs they would otherwise be spending on multiple consultations, surgeries, medications and time off from work.
  • The All-on-4 is a much shorter procedure and can be done in as little as a single day. You are thus saved the recurring trips to your doctor, both for the implant procedure and future checkups.
  • The All-on-4 has been proven to be 8% to 10% more effective in the treatment of rampant tooth loss and edentulism than traditional implant techniques. Implants that fail and require replacement and/or restoration incur further dental costs in the future.

All on 4 Cost in Houston: In Summary

If you are looking to get back your confident smile at affordable dental costs, the All-on-4 is the best route forward. With a much shorter road to oral rehabilitation, this breakthrough dental implant protocol is making a much greater quality of life accessible to millions of edentulous and near-edentulous people across the United States; and all for affordable dental costs.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Discovering the Cost of Dentures and Alternatives

dental implant costs

This article explores the ‘cost of dentures’.

The Cost of Dentures: An Introduction

Remember watching your grandpa Cost of denturespop his dentures in and out to your mixed screams of delight and fascination? You had no idea that, with what the cost of dentures were, he had the equivalent of a car in his mouth. You probably thought, “That’ll never happen to me.” Then, in the blink of an eye, you were the one sitting in the dentist’s chair, listening to him or her explain that, given the state of your periodontitis or tooth decay, dentures were really the only long term tooth replacement option. You imagine your own teeth soaking in a glass on your night stand or sliding your dentures in and out of your mouth, and it’s definitely not funny anymore. You’re laughing even less when your provider spells out the cost of dentures: with each in the range of $4,000 and $6,000, traditionally a full arch restoration has been the same as a down payment on a house. But the All-on-4 dental implant technique offers you an economical, aesthetic and durable option as a tooth replacement solution.

The Cost of Dentures: A Look Back

Around since the Middle Ages, dentures are prosthetic devices designed to replace either some or all of the teeth that are missing in the upper (mandibular) or lower (maxillary) arch. Back then they were made out of human or animal teeth; often taken from graves or bought from people who pulled their own (grizzly!) The cost of dentures in these days was probably the patient's prize pig or maybe a first-born child. Regardless, it's doubtful the patient got what he paid for in terms of the cost of dentures: the result wasn’t very stable, long-lasting, or pretty given that the replacements were mainly tied to the patient’s remaining teeth and tended to rot after awhile.

False teeth made out of porcelain were first produced in the late 1700s, and later, false teeth resembling natural teeth that were set into gold plates proved to be durable and long-lasting. The gold plates didn't help the cost of dentures. Modern dentures are made out of acrylic and other plastics and dentists work hard to make sure the dentures fit in the mouth correctly in order to provide the best stability, support and retention. A daughter's hand in marriage or a prize pig; the cost of dentures in the olden days was probably substantially lower than today’s modern methods; at least until recently, when the All-on-4 dental implant protocol was developed.

The Cost of Dentures: An Important Alternative

One of the most important breakthroughs to have been made in the last few decades, the All-on-4 dental implant technique offers patients savings of up to $15,000 on the total cost of oral rehabilitation. The process of getting tooth replacements that fit well and look good has traditionally required painful, expensive and multiple bone graft surgeries to place up to 20 implants. Conversely, the All-on-4 dental implant protocol almost always avoids the need for bone grafting surgery and only requires a maximum of eight implants, which are placed in a single surgery resulting in a lower total cost over dentures. The All-on-4 method also enables the dentist to provide a solution to patients with advanced periodontal disease and bone loss in the jaw. With the All-on-4, patients need spend less time in surgery and in recovery, and less time away from work, as well as avoiding the recurring cost of dentures. As a bonus, your new synthetic teeth are immediately functional and non-removable.

The Cost of Dentures: All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4 dental implants All-on-4 are not your father’s dentures in regards to cost of dentures or aesthetics. All-on-4 implants are non-removable. They can’t shift, and they can’t fall out. No longer can you offer macabre entertainment to children using your slip-in-slide dentures. All-on-4 dentures feel like natural teeth, and they don’t damage adjacent teeth or cause discomfort to the surrounding gum. Another fear you may have about dentures is that sunken and aged appearance around the mouth you might remember from your days of kissing Granny good-bye. Traditionally, removable bridges don’t preserve good jaw bone health. However, the All-on-4 dental implant technique preserves the face’s natural contours, allowing you to retain a more youthful, healthy profile. The All-on-4 dental implant technique promises you better aesthetics as well as a better total cost over that of dentures or traditional dental implant techniques.

Cost of Dentures: In Conclusion…

Maybe you lost Cost of tooth implants all your teeth working your way through the boxing ring as a trophy-winning prizefighter, or maybe you were simply handed bad genetics. Regardless, getting dentures doesn’t have to be horrifying, shameful or costly: with the All-on-4 dental implant technique, the total cost of dentures in Houston saves you money, is easier with fewer surgeries and a quicker recovery time, and is definitely prettier than George Washington’s rumored wooden teeth, or even the dentures sported by your grandparents not so long ago!

cost dental implants