Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Time for New Teeth! The Real Dentures Cost You Pay Every Day

This article exposes the real price patients pay when they opt for removable dentures, or false teeth, instead of sophisticated teeth replacement technology, dental implants.

You know exactly what your dentures cost you. You line up in the pharmacy to buy your anesthetic gels and adhesives, you visit the dentist every few years to dutifully have your bridgework redone because your old dentures have ceased to fit comfortably and you pay all the associated expenses. But aside from the financial dentures cost, have you truly recognized the price you pay every single day? Removable dentures, or false teeth, may once have been the mainstream approach to providing edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients with new, functional and aesthetic teeth. But with the advent of dental implants and the advanced surgical protocol designed to place them, even in people who have lived without teeth for several years, there is no longer any reason for you to suffer the punishment dentures cost you in your quality of life.

Dentures Cost: What You’re Really Paying

Dentures cost

Most denture wearers have resigned themselves to the reality of their everyday challenges and sufferings. Some of these, or perhaps all of them may sound familiar to you.

Here are the reasons you should throw that archaic set of plastic teeth in the bin and instead consider covering the cost of tooth implants:

  • Dentures Cost: Oral pain and discomfort as your dentures press down on and rub against your gums.
  • Dentures Cost: The triggering of the gag reflex due to their bulkiness and the hard plastic plate that covers your palate.
  • Dentures Cost: Chronic bad breath caused by the accumulation of food and bacteria on the underside of the dentures.
  • Dentures Cost: Impede taste ability. Eating used to be so much fun!
  • Cost of Tooth Implants: Having to remove your dentures after every meal and at nighttime for cleaning. This can prove to be extremely socially awkward!
  • Dentures Cost: Constant slipping and shifting around in your mouth, causing acute social discomfort, not to mention the difficulties in eating and speaking.
  • Dentures Cost: Not being able to eat all the foods you love because your gums are too sore to manage tougher, chewier foods.
  • Cost of Tooth Implants: Having to get your bridgework redone every few years or so because, the dentist explains, your jaw bone is slowly atrophying and wasting away from disuse.
  • Dentures Cost: The noticeable change in your natural facial contours. Your changing and shrinking jaw bone is making you look older and older every year!
  • Dentures Cost: The thin and stretched appearance of your mouth caused by bulky dentures pushing on the lips from the inside.

Making a Difference with the Cost of Tooth Implants

Cost of tooth implants

Every single individual that has had to wear removable dentures has their own set of challenges and complaints with the technology. While dentures enable you to eat and speak with a degree of confidence, they simply cannot rival the incredible benefits and advantages afforded by dental implants. The cost of tooth implants gets you a brand new set of teeth that are immediately functional, non-removable and virtually indistinguishable from natural healthy teeth. They feel comfortable, they enable you to eat all the foods they like and they don’t come with any of the challenges or repeated expenses that dentures do. Consider the cost of tooth implants; this technology will revolutionize your quality of life for the better!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Things You Never Knew About the Cost of Dental Implants, PART 3

Dental Implants Cost

This article, part 3 of 3, presents a number of interesting and perspective-changing facts about the cost of dental implants.

In our previous two article posts, we discussed some of the interesting and surprising facts about the cost of dental implants. We took a look at how, contrary to what most people believe, the cost of dental implants actually undercuts that of inferior teeth replacement technologies, such as removable dentures and dental bridges, in the long run. Not to mention the various challenges, problems and lesser quality of life caused by these technologies. In this article, the final installment of the series, we shall take a look at a few remaining facts on the cost of dental implants beginning with…

Did You Know that the Cost of Dental Implants Represents a Multi-Decadal Investment?

Cost Dental ImplantsFew people truly realize what they are getting from the cost dental implants, which is why they would prefer to pay less for inferior tooth replacement technologies, such as removable dentures and dental bridges. But dental implants are constructed from the exceptionally strong and non-corrosive metal titanium; incidentally, the same metal from which professional tennis racquets and space craft are manufactured! During the healing process, dental implants actually fuse with the jaw in a process termed ‘osseointegration,’ which makes them just about as strong and resilient as any natural healthy tooth. The cost of dental implants also includes a very high quality and durable ceramic tooth crown, which is expertly fabricated to be virtually indistinguishable from a natural pearly white.

The overall result is a new tooth that, on average, lasts an incredible 20 to 30 years, or longer if looked after properly! In fact, many patients have kept their dental implants for a lifetime without the need for restoration or replacement! The cost of dental implants is indeed a long term investment with incredible rewards.

Did You Know that the Cost of Dental Implants is Comprehensive and Includes Everything from the Hardware Itself to the Placement Surgery and all Follow-up Appointments?

Now this comes as a fantastic relief! We have become so accustomed to reading the fine print in an attempt to locate those catches and hidden costs, especially where medical services are concerned (because they’re so expensive!) Thankfully, the cost of dental implants, as is quoted by qualified and experienced implant dentists, is actually comprehensive and includes everything you need to get your smile repaired. The cost of dental implants includes:

  • The hardware: the titanium implant, abutment and ceramic tooth crown.
  • The placement surgery, including all X-rays and the need for tooth extractions.
  • All follow-up appointments.

The only expense not included in the cost of dental implants in your initial consultation with the dentist and this is obviously because a course of treatment has not been decided upon yet.

A Final Note on the Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants, contrary to Cost of Dental Implantswhat many people believe, is not prohibitively expensive. In fact, it is well worth every cent when you consider the incredible benefits and advantages they offer over and above traditional tooth replacement technology. Not only are they the closest thing to natural healthy teeth modern dental science is capable of, but they are fabricated to last decades without the need for further expense. The cost of dental implants represents a very smart and long term investment in your good oral health and in your quality of life.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Things You Never Knew About the Cost of Dental Implants, PART 2

"This article, part 2 of 3, presents a number of interesting and perspective-changing facts about the cost of dental implants."

Cost of dental implants
In our previous article post, the introductory installment of this three-part series, we began looking at how the cost of dental implants actually helps patients to save money in the long term. We left off with a discussion on removable dentures and how people who are either already edentulous (toothless) or who are facing an immediate future of edentulism frequently opt for dentures because they believe them to be more cost-effective. However, in the long run, nothing could be further from the truth. In our previous article post, we took a look at the cost of dental implants and how it represents a singular and long term investment in your oral health and overall quality of life. In this article, we shall continue on with this point before presenting some more interesting facts about the cost of dental implants. 

Did you Know the Cost of Dental Implants in the Long Run Works out Cheaper than Removable Dentures, or ‘False Teeth?’ … Continued

  • The Cost of Dental Implants: A One-time Solution 
Tooth loss causes the jaw bone to atrophy and shrink. Since removable dentures only rest upon the gums, they do nothing to keep the jaw bone underneath stimulated and alive, which is actually what the tooth roots are responsible for doing. As such, the changing contours of the jaw require dentures to be refitted every few years or so, which means that when you opt for dentures as your teeth replacement solution, you are signing yourself up for a whole lot of expenses you initially thought you were saving yourself from! The cost of dental implants may be higher than dentures to begin with, but it gets you a brand new set of teeth that can last 20, 30 years and even longer without the need for restoration. The cost of dental implants also saves you all the inconveniences, challenges and social discomforts associated with dentures.

Did You Know the Cost of Dental Implants, in the Long Run, is Actually Cheaper than the Cost of Dental Bridges?

Cost of dental implantDental bridges are another example of what people frequently perceive to be the less expensive option to the cost of dental implants. Sure, you will find yourself paying less for a bridge to begin with. But this tooth replacement technology has half the lifespan of a dental implant. And it comes with half the benefits too! The cost of dental implant gets you a new tooth that looks, feels and functions just like a natural healthy tooth. One of the most frequent complaints given by patients who have had a bridge placed is that it feels foreign and uncomfortable in their mouths. This causes a constant state of consciousness around that restored tooth. 

Dental bridges (see image above) also require the two healthy teeth on either side of the exposed gap, from where your tooth has gone missing, to be filed down in order to support the replacement ceramic crown. The cost of dental implants doesn’t require the sacrifice of any healthy teeth. In fact, the cost of dental implants provides the very best and least traumatic teeth replacement option on the market. And it is for this reason that qualified and experienced implant dentists recommend them time and again.

The Cost of Dental Implants: Stay Tuned for More Fascinating Facts

In our next and final article installment, part 3 of 3, we shall present some final facts on the cost of dental implants, with special emphasis on what patients can, in the short and long term, expect to get from their investment.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Things You Never Knew About the Cost of Dental Implants, PART 1

This article, part 1 of 3, presents a number of interesting and perspective-changing facts about the cost of dental implants.

Brueggen Dental Implant Center

Dental or teeth implants offer a fantastic comprehensive and long term solution to missing teeth, whether they have been knocked out accidentally or have succumbed to the ravages of decay or infection. In fact, most qualified and experienced dentists agree that, when it comes to restoring bite functionality and smile aesthetics and promoting long term oral health, there is no better technology for the replacement of teeth than dental implants.

Cost of Dental ImplantNow most people have some kind of understanding of what these devices are. But beyond an unfortunate association with being painful, there is a general paucity of knowledge about their true nature and benefits. And this rings especially true when it comes to the cost of dental implants. In this three part article series, we shall be presenting some interesting and surprising facts relating to the cost of dental implant. Armed with this information, it is hoped that more people will make a smarter and long term investment in their oral health should anything ever happen to one or more of their teeth.

About the Cost of Dental Implants: Things You Never Knew!

Before we can get started with reviewing some of the interesting facts about the cost of dental implants, we should discuss one of the most unfortunate misconceptions patients tend to have about these tooth replacement devices. And this is that they are prohibitively expensive. It is true; the cost of dental implants may initially seem to be higher than the cost for removable dentures or dental bridges. But in the long run, the cost of dental implants actually undercuts these inferior teeth replacement technologies! And it does this without any of the challenges, discomforts and problems removable dentures and dental bridges tend to cause patients. Now, let’s start taking a look at some interesting facts about the cost of dental implants.

Did you Know the Cost of Dental Implants in the Long Run Works out Cheaper than Removable Dentures, or ‘False Teeth?

There are currently over 20 million people in the Cost of Dental ImplantsUnited States that don’t have a single original adult tooth left in their mouths. And a further 100 million adults that have lost between 11 and 15 of their permanent teeth to decay and gum disease! Tooth loss is something that becomes inexorable with age, especially when patients have a history of poor oral hygiene and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking. But it’s not always the negligent that suffer later on in life; certain medications and chronic illnesses can also be responsible for tooth loss. Most people that are edentulous (don’t have any teeth left) or are facing an immediate future of edentulism opt for inferior tooth replacement technologies like removable dentures because they believe it to be the cheaper option for them. However, in the long run the cost of dental implants saves patients an incredible amount of money! Here’s how:

  • The Cost of Dental Implants: Saving You from Repeated Expenses

Removable dentures incur repeated expenses, including (1) adhesives to prevent them from slipping around, (2) anesthetic gels to relieve the pain caused by them pressing on and rubbing against the gums, and (3) cleaning agents and storage containers. The cost of dental implants buys you a technology that is cared for just like natural healthy teeth and, unlike dentures, does not cause any pain or discomfort to the neighboring and underlying soft and hard tissues in the mouth.

The Cost of Dental Implants: Stay Tuned for More Fascinating Facts

In our next article installment, part 2 of 3, we shall examine yet another way the cost of dental implants, as a long term teeth replacement solution, saves patients an incredible amount of money. We will then continue to explore a few other interesting and surprising facts about the cost of dental implants.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Keep Dental Costs Low While Getting the Best Dental Solution!

This article presents an approximation of the dental costs involved in undergoing fixed oral rehabilitation with the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol.

Single or multiple tooth loss, regardless of the cause, can be very embarrassing and a constant source of physical and social discomfort. While some causes behind a lost pearly white or two cannot be avoided, such as an accident, most cases of rampant tooth loss are caused by periodontal disease; an acute and chronic bacterial infection of the gums. This is in turn caused by poor lifelong oral hygiene and bad habits, such as smoking, excessive drinking and drug abuse. The dental costs of gum disease left untreated are partial and complete edentulism, the state of not having a single original adult tooth left. Thankfully, there are several tooth replacement solutions available for patients requiring a new set of teeth and the best of them for the most reasonable dental costs is widely agreed to be the All-on-4 dental implant protocol!

Your Dental Costs: Factors to Consider

Dental implants offer a proven comprehensive Dental Costsand long term solution to missing teeth and the All-on-4 protocol has gained enormous popularity thanks to its success in treating edentulism. Having said this, dental costs can be at the forefront of a patient’s mind when looking for a tooth replacement solution. And frequently, the more ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘innovative’ a technology is, the more manufacturers charge for it! But with All on 4 cost in Houston, nothing could be further from the truth! Dental costs of oral rehabilitation using this protocol are actually substantially less for the patient; saving them an average of $25,000 on a brand new set of non-removable, aesthetic and immediately functional teeth! And here’s why…

All on 4 Cost in Houston: Dental Costs Savings

The dental costs of the All-on-4 protocol are substantially lower than those incurred by traditional placement techniques for several reasons. But perhaps the greatest is that it allows skilled and qualified dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen, to replace a patient’s entire set of old and failing teeth almost always without the need for bone grafting beforehand.

Other dental costs saved include:

  • The need for multiple surgeries; the All on 4 cost in Houston almost never requires more than a single surgery for complete oral rehabilitation.
  • The dental costs incurred by 20 or more implants; the All on 4 cost in Houston only requires a total of eight implants to give patients a brand new set of both upper and lower teeth.
  • All On 4 Cost Houston
  • Without the need for lengthy, painful and expensive bone grafting, patients save all those dental costs they would otherwise be spending on multiple consultations, surgeries, medications and time off from work.
  • The All on 4 cost in Houston covers a much shorter procedure, which can almost always be done in as little as a single day. Patients are thus saved the recurring trips to their doctor, both for the implant procedure and future check-ups.
  • The All-on-4 has been proven to be 8% to 10% more effective in the treatment of rampant tooth loss and edentulism than traditional implant techniques. Implants that fail and require replacement and/or restoration incur further dental costs in the future.

A Final Note on the All on 4 Cost in Houston

If you are looking to get back your confident smile at affordable dental costs, the All-on-4 is the best route forward. With a much shorter road to oral rehabilitation, this breakthrough dental implant protocol is making a much greater quality of life accessible to millions of edentulous and near-edentulous people across the United States; and all for affordable dental costs.